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ISO/IEC 23634:2022

ISO/IEC 23634:2022 pdf download

ISO/IEC 23634:2022, Information technology — Automatic identification and data capture techniques — JAB Code polychrome bar code symbology specification.
ISO/IEC 23634:2022 defines the requirements for the symbology known as JAB Code. It specifies the JAB Code symbology characteristics, symbol structure, symbol dimensions, symbol cascading rules, data character encodation, error correction rules, user-selectable application parameters, print quality requirements and a reference decode algorithm.
JAB Code is a colour-based, two-dimensional matrix symbology whose basic symbols are made up of colourful modules, arranged in either square or rectangle grids. JAB Code has two types of basic symbols: a primary symbol and the secondary symbol. A JAB Code contains one primary symbol, and optionally, multiple secondary symbols. A primary symbol contains four finder patterns, located at the corners of the symbol. Secondary symbols contain finder pattern.
A secondary symbol can be docked to a primary symbol, or another docked secondary symbol, in either a horizontal or vertical direction. JAB Code can encode from small to large amounts of data, correlated to user-specified percentages of the error correction.
Both manufacturers and users of bar code equipment require publicly available symbology standards when developing equipment and application standards. The publication of standardised symbology specifications, such as this one, are designed to achieve this.

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