NFPA 18A:2022 pdf download

NFPA 18A:2022 pdf download

NFPA 18A:2022 pdf download,Standard On Water Additives For Fire Control And Vapor Mitigation.
NFPA 18A is intended for the use and guidance of those responsible for purchasing, testing, listing, and using water additives for use on Class A, Class B, Class D, Class K, and lithium ion battery fires and the mitigation of flammable vapors.
NFPA 18A provides the minimum requirements for water additives used for the control and/or suppression of Class A and Class B fires and mitigation of flammable vapors. It’s intended for use by those responsible for purchasing, testing, listing, and using such additives.
NFPA 18A applies to water additives utilized to prevent flammable liquid vapor explosions, remove the flammability of flammable liquid spills, or extinguish Class A, Class B, Class C, Class D, Class K, and lithium ion battery fires.

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